Using the Feff testing framework

Feff testing framework

Table of Contents

1 Prerequisites

You must have these tools on your computer, properly built, installed, and functioning:

  1. Larch
  2. feff85exafs

The following python modules are used (sudo pip install <module>):

  1. pystache
  2. tabulate

2 Curated set of standard data

  1. Copper
  2. NiO
  3. FeS2
  4. UO2
  5. BaZrO3
  6. Uranyl ion in solution
  7. bromoadamantane

Each of these folders has much of the same stuff as the data-bearing tests for feff85exafs, including a mustache template for feff.inp, a json file controlling how the template is filled in, χ(k) data, a python script defining a fitting model using Larch, and a Feff6 input file.

Future materials:

  • methyltin, multiple data set, simple molecule
  • ???

3 Established tests

3.1 SCF

This is a test that runs any of the curated standards against a sequence of different Feff models related to probing the effect of self-consistency. Feff will be run in each of the following ways:

  1. Feff6
  2. Feff8 without self-consistency
  3. Feff8 with one or more radii for the self-consistency computation

The point of this test is to evaluate the effect of the Feff model on EXAFS fitting. This tests Feff6 against Feff8 and self-consistency against the absence of self-consistency.

As discussed elsewhere, self-consistency provides scant impact on the quality of the EXAFS analysis or on the measured results.

3.2 iorder

In the paper that introduced Feff6 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.52.2995), the authors discuss an approximation made in the computation of the Rehr-Albers separable propagators. The scaling of the spherical harmonic scattering factors used to compute the photoelectron free propagator is such that the corresponding matrix can be limited in dimension to 6x6. There is some discussion about the accuracy of this approximation at high energy, but the authors assert the numerical accuracy of this approximation is within 1% of the full calculation at photoelectron wavenumbers below 20.

The size of this matrix is controlled in the Feff input file by the IORDER keyword. The default value of 2 corresponds to the 6x6 matrix. The assertion that the 6x6 matrix is adequate is easily tested using this testing framework.

The iorder test runs Feff8 with a short self-consistency radius and with a range of iorder values, including 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10 (10 being something the source code refers to as the “cute” algorithm).

Limiting the iorder test to first shell fitting will result in identical fits for all iorder values. Single scattering paths are computed exactly in Feff. It is only multiple scattering paths that are subject to the IORDER approximation.

The executive summary of this test is that the original assessment of 6x6 (IORDER=2) is the correct choice.

3.3 Future tests

Here are some ideas for new things to try

  • SCF test on a temperature sequence (NiO, Copper, FeS2, bromoadamantane can all be done easily)
  • Multi-pole self-energy, full calculation or John’s idea for a MPSE-lite (basically a broadened single pole)
  • Calculation R-grid (RGRID=0.05 is the default, could try 0.03, 0.01, and 0.07)
  • Output k grid (this would require editing code)

4 Workflow

4.1 Interactive testing

The testing is implemented as a larch plugin. Once larch has been started, load the fefftest plugin:

larch> add_plugin('fefftest')

Note that these instructions presume that your working directory is the main directory of the repository. This is not a Larch plugin in the sense that it is designed and written to be used anywhere and in any way. The workflow of the Feff testing expects to find certain files in certain locations. The easiest way to ensure this is to do you testing in the repository directory.

Once the plugin is loaded, create a FeffTestGroup object, set some of its attributes, and prepare the Feff calculations:

larch> a = ft()
larch> a.test = 'scf'
larch> a.material = 'Copper'
larch> a.prep()

The a.prep() step may be quite time consuming, depending on the SCF radii used in the testing steps.

If the Feff calculations have already be run, this will be noticed when setting the material attribute. In that case, the prep() step can be skipped, and you can proceed directly to fitting.

Once the Feff calculations have run to completion, you can run the canned fitting model using each of the Feff models:

larch> a.fits()
>>>>>>>>> fitting with model: feff6
wrote to file 'Copper/scf/fit_feff6.k'
wrote to file 'Copper/scf/fit_feff6.r'
>>>>>>>>> fitting with model: noSCF
wrote to file 'Copper/scf/fit_noSCF.k'
wrote to file 'Copper/scf/fit_noSCF.r'
>>>>>>>>> fitting with model: withSCF_3
wrote to file 'Copper/scf/fit_withSCF_3.k'
wrote to file 'Copper/scf/fit_withSCF_3.r'
  (and so on)

There is no persistence of the fitting results (yet).

4.1.1 Make a plot of any fit:

larch> a.plot('feff6')

As a shortcut, you can use integer arguments where the integers refer to the (1-based) position of the model in the models attribute. For example,

larch> show a.models
['feff6', 'noSCF', withSCF_3', withSCF_4', withSCF_5', withSCF_5.5', withSCF_6']
larch> a.plot(1)

a.plot(1) and a.plot('feff6') make the same plot.

4.1.2 Make a nice PNG image of any fit:

larch> a.png('feff6')

In the case of the Copper SCF test, this writes a file to Copper/scf/fit_feff6.png.

The integer shortcut from the plot() method can be used here.

4.1.3 Examine an individual parameter

To examine the evolution of an individual fitting parameter over the sequence of Feff calculations:

       feff6: 4.96784 +/- 0.49360
       noSCF: 5.70543 +/- 0.48196
   withSCF_3: 3.44875 +/- 0.56411
   withSCF_4: 3.54301 +/- 0.56281
   withSCF_5: 3.39539 +/- 0.56334
 withSCF_5.5: 3.40748 +/- 0.56450
   withSCF_6: 3.46357 +/- 0.56386

4.1.4 Tables of fit results

To generate a table of results for variables and statistical parameters from the fit sequence:

larch> print a.table()

Best fit values

| model        | alpha         | amp     | enot     | ss1         | thetad   |
| feff6        | -0.00074(92)  | 0.96(4) | 4.97(49) | 0.00382(33) | 253(22)  |
| noSCF        | -0.00046(90)  | 0.95(4) | 5.71(48) | 0.00400(33) | 239(19)  |
| withSCF(3)   | -0.00077(104) | 0.94(5) | 3.45(56) | 0.00402(38) | 241(22)  |
| withSCF(4)   | -0.00076(104) | 0.94(5) | 3.54(56) | 0.00402(38) | 242(22)  |
| withSCF(5)   | -0.00077(104) | 0.94(5) | 3.40(56) | 0.00402(38) | 241(22)  |
| withSCF(5.5) | -0.00077(105) | 0.94(5) | 3.41(56) | 0.00402(38) | 241(22)  |
| withSCF(6)   | -0.00076(104) | 0.94(5) | 3.46(56) | 0.00402(38) | 241(22)  |


| model        |   chi-square |   chi-reduced |   R-factor |
| feff6        |    1444.2957 |       54.3832 |     0.0145 |
| noSCF        |    1412.8206 |       53.1981 |     0.0142 |
| withSCF(3)   |    1820.8201 |       68.5608 |     0.0182 |
| withSCF(4)   |    1814.2834 |       68.3147 |     0.0182 |
| withSCF(5)   |    1816.9001 |       68.4132 |     0.0182 |
| withSCF(5.5) |    1823.0856 |       68.6461 |     0.0183 |
| withSCF(6)   |    1819.9264 |       68.5271 |     0.0182 |

The formatting of the table is controlled by the tableformat attribute and can be any of the strings specified here. By default, the pipe format is used. latex is handled specially by the table() method.

4.1.5 Examine the full fit report


This writes larch’s fit report to the screen for the fit using the specified Feff model.

The integer shortcut from the plot() method can be used here.

4.2 A larch script for testing all standards

Here is a very simple script. It will be quite time consuming as Feff must be run in the prep() step for each material.

a = ft()
a.test = 'scf'
for m in ("Copper", "NiO", "FeS2", "UO2", "BaZrO3", "bromoadamantane", "uranyl"):
    a.material = m
    print a.table()

It would be wise to capture the output of the table() method in some way. As this example is written, the table containing the fitting results will be lost among the voluminous screen output of the many Feff runs.

5 Adding new materials

Each material must have a set of files with specific names. Using Copper as the example, there must be a subdirectory of the repository called Copper. In that subdirectory, there must be the following files:

  1. Copper.json: a JSON file containing values used in the mustache file
  2. Copper.mustache: a feff.inp for running Feff8 with certain values replaced by mustache tokens corresponding to the scalar entries in Copper.json
  3. Copper.feff6: the same feff.inp data, but structured for use with Feff6
  4. the fitting model, using larch syntax for setting up and running the fit
  5. Copper.chik: the χ(k) as a column ASCII file with wavenumber in the first column and un-k-weighted χ(k) in the second column

So, if you introduce a new material, you must provide each of these files, replacing Copper with the name of the new material.

A few notes:

  • In the JSON file, the radii item is a list of radii over which to compute the self-consistency. Unless the material is a small molecule, you should select 5 or so values. The first should include only the first coordination shell. The largest radii should not be so large that the Feff calculation takes inordinately long.
  • For the mustache template of the feff.inp file, follow the example of the ones already in the repository. You will likely want to generate a Feff8 input file using whatever tool you normally use (Atoms, for example), then edit it by hand to insert the mustache tokens in the same places as in the examples.
  • For the Feff6 input file, just use Atoms (or whatever) to make a Feff6 input, then rename it.
  • For the fitting model in the .py file, again follow the examples given. How you set up the parameters and paths is entirely up to, but be sure to include all of the logic towards the end of the file, including:
    • The setting of rx, the upper bound of the fit in R
    • The bits controlled with the doplot and verbose flags
    • The writing of the output ASCII column files
    • The writing of the gnuplot script, making sure to set all of its mustache substitutions correctly for your fitting model
  • My typical pattern was to play with the fitting model in Artemis, the reproduce my final model in the .py file. I then used Artemis to generate the .chik file.

6 Adding new tests

A new test is added by making a new python script in the fefftests folder. This python file defines the prep() method. That is, it defines the conditions under which Feff is run, then makes each Feff calculation.

The scf and iorder tests are pretty well commented. Follow those examples. The bottom line is that they loop through the list of testing conditions. For each condition, a subdirectory called <testname>/<condition> is created. The mustache template is filled in and written to <testname>/<condition>/feff.inp. Finally, Feff is run.

Note that, to verify that the exact same set of scattering paths are used for every test, the paths.dat file from the scf/feff6 test should be copied into each new testing subdirectory. The reason for this is to be sure that path indexing is consistent between models. With a small change to the Feff model, the amplitude of a small path might cause it to fall below one of Feff’s filtering criteria. This would change the indexing of subsequent paths. The fitting models in the .py files expect consistent path indexing.

If you add a new material, you should edit the plugin file to add the name of your new material to the list at line 42.

If your test requires modification of the feff.inp file, then you should edit the <material>.mustache file for each material accordingly and add the necessary parameters to the <material>.json files. Be sure to provide a sensible default for your new parameters so that other tests will still run correctly.

7 Making the web pages

I use emacs, git, and GitHub to manage the web pages.

Generating html pages for the GitHub Pages site uses several emacs-related features, including:

  1. Emacs’ org-mode
  2. The ReadTheOrg export theme (slightly modified by me, with my modifications pushed to the gh-pages branch)
  3. The orgmk batch processer
  4. The htmlize package

My workflow is that I edit the .org files in Emacs. I then use the simple command line script to process each of the org files into html files. The html files, along with style and image files, are pushed to the gh-pages branch of the repository.

Date: 2016-02-18

Author: Bruce Ravel

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