.. Artemis document is copyright 2016 Bruce Ravel and released under The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Monitoring things ================= :demeter:`artemis` provides a number of tools for keeping track of things going on behind the scenes. These tools are found either in the Monitor menu on the Main window or the Debug menu on the Data window. In the normal course of operations, consulting the monitoring tools should not be necessary. But if something is not working quite right, they can be invaluable for diagnosing the problem. The Command buffer ------------------ The command buffer window contains a record of every data processing and fitting command sent to :demeter:`ifeffit`. At the bottom of this window is the plotting buffer, which contains every command sent to the plotting backend (usually :program:`Gnuplot`). These are very useful both for diagnosing problems and for learning the details of how :demeter:`ifeffit`, :demeter:`larch` and :program:`Gnuplot` work. .. _fig-commandbuffer: .. figure:: ../_images/command_buffer.png :target: _images/command_buffer.png :align: center The command buffer window At the bottom of the window is a simple command line for sending instructions directly to :demeter:`ifeffit` or :demeter:`larch`. The Status buffer ----------------- Every message sent to any of the status bars in :demeter:`artemis` is time-stamped and logged in the status buffer. This provides a sort of record of the major actions taken during your current :demeter:`artemis` session. The contents of this buffer can be saved to a file. .. _fig-statusbuffer: .. figure:: ../_images/status_buffer.png :target: _images/status_buffer.png :align: center The status buffer window Interacting with Ifeffit ------------------------ One of the submenus in the Monitor menu on the Main window allows you to examine :demeter:`ifeffit` data structures. The results of these examination commands are displayed in the command buffer. In this example, all arrays currently defined in :demeter:`ifeffit` have been shown. .. _fig-showarrays: .. figure:: ../_images/show_arrays.png :target: _images/show_arrays.png :align: center Showing Ifeffit arrays Options exist for showing specific :demeter:`ifeffit` data group, all arrays, all scalars, all strings, all paths, or all :demeter:`feff` paths. The last one is simply a listing all :file:`feffNNNN.dat` files imported into :demeter:`ifeffit`. You can also inquire about how much of :demeter:`ifeffit`'s statically allocated memory is in use and whether you are in danger of exceeding capacity. This information is displayed in the Main window status bar. Debugging Demeter ----------------- Several additional menu items are turned on when :configparam:`Artemis,debug_menus` is set to a true value. The items in these menus provide tools for debugging :demeter:`artemis` by showing the current state of :demeter:`demeter` and its data structures. These tools are invaluable for developing the software, but are probably of limited value to the general user.