.. Athena document is copyright 2016 Bruce Ravel and released under The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Spectral resolution and k-range =============================== The first and second coordination shells in iron metal are at 2.49 and 2.87 |AA|. These closely spaced shells overlap considerably when the Fourier transform of the |chi| (k) data are plotted. Consequently, the iron foil data can be used to demonstrate the relationship between the Fourier transform k-range and spectral resolution. We see the iron foil data plotted in the figure below using three different values for :procparam:`kmax`. The data are three identical copies of the 60K iron foil data and have had the background function removed in the same way. For the smallest value of :procparam:`kmax`, 10 |AA| :sup:`-1`, the second shell appears only as a shoulder at about 2.5 |AA|. The shoulder becomes more pronounced when :procparam:`kmax` is increased to 16 |AA| :sup:`-1`. Only when :procparam:`kmax` is set to 22 |AA| :sup:`-1`, the entire measured data range, is the second coordination visible as a resolved peak. .. _fig-krange: .. figure:: ../../_images/plot_fe_krange.png :target: ../_images/plot_fe_krange.png :align: center Iron foil data, plotted with three different k-ranges.