.. Athena document is copyright 2016 Bruce Ravel and released under The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ |chi| (k) data files ===================== On occassion, you will need to import a data file containing |chi| (k) data, that is, data that have already been processed to have the background removed and to be properly normalized. This is allowed in :demeter:`demeter` but is strongly discouraged. Many features of :demeter:`demeter` that are nominally related to the |chi| (k) data still make use of earlier aspects of the data processing. An example of this is explained in `the section on sanity checking of fitting models <../fit/sanity.html>`__. One of those sanity checks is to have the beginning of the fitting range in R-space come before the R\ :sub:`bkg` value used in the background removal. That check cannot possibly happen for a Data object that begins as imported |chi| (k) data. Importing |chi| (k) data is done like so: .. code-block:: perl #!/usr/bin/perl use Demeter; my $data = Demeter::Data -> new(file => "cu10k.chi", name => '10K copper data', fft_kmin => 3, fft_kmax => 14, ); $data -> plot('k'); For a data file containing |chi| (k) data, it is usually not necessary to explicitly identify the data as such. :demeter:`demeter` will analyze the contents of the data file and recognize it as |chi| (k) data. In case that |chi| (k) data is not recognized as such, it can be explicitly specified like so: .. code-block:: perl $data -> datatype('chi'); Note also that data that are imported as |chi| (k) cannot be plotted in energy. Attempting to do so will trigger an error and end your program. Note that you can set attributes related to normalization or background removal for a |chi| (k) Data object without consequence. Those attribute values will mostly never be used but there is no penalty for accessing them.