.. Athena document is copyright 2016 Bruce Ravel and released under The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Truncating data =============== Truncating is the process of removing data from one end or the other of a data set. The ``Truncate`` method takes two arguments. The first is either of the words ``before`` or ``after`` and indicates whether data is to be removed from the front or back end of the data. The second argument is the energy value before/after which all data points are removed. Truncating changes the representation of the data within both :demeter:`demeter` and :demeter:`ifeffit`. (But not on disk |nd| :demeter:`demeter` never alters the original data.) This method *does not* return a new object. .. code-block:: perl #!/usr/bin/perl use Demeter; my $d0 = Demeter::Data -> new(file => "$where/data/fe.060", name => '60K', ln => 1, energy => q{$1}, numerator => q{$2}, denominator => q{$3}); $d0 -> plot('E'); $d0 -> Truncate('after', 7500); $d0 -> plot('E'); In the example above, all points after 7500 eV are removed from the data. Here is an example of removing points from the front end of the data. .. code-block:: perl $d0 -> Truncate('before', 7050); .. _fig-truncate: .. figure:: ../../_images/truncate.png :target: ../_images/truncate.png :align: left These are the data as plotted by the example script above. .. linebreak::