16. Full examples

In this chapter, several full example fitting scripts are shown and annotated. Hopefully, these examples will give you good ideas for your own fits and demonstrate some DEMETER idioms that you can apply to your own scripts.

Multiple data set fit with an demonstration of multiple k-weighting and cloning of DEMETER objects.
Silver/Gold alloy
Multiple data set fit to several silver/gold alloys of varying ratios making effective use of cloning and of the characteristic value.
Uranyl ion
Uranyl ion in solution, demonstrating the use of the SSPath and VPath pathlike objects.
Hg bound to synthetic DNA
Complex fit...
Complex partial pair distributions as histograms
Modeling arbitrary pair distribution functions using SSPath objects to represent bins in a histogram.
Plot adornments
Adding eye candy to your plots. While DEMETER is certainly not a full-featured plotting solution, it is capable of generating very complex plots with a relatively small amount of code.
Using Demeter to write Ifeffit and Demeter scripts
To do...


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