
This package is intended to be installed on a system on which DEMETER (homepage) is already installed. Components from DEMETER are essential prerequisites for Xray::BLA and METIS.

To install Xray::BLA and METIS, do the following:

perl Build.PL
sudo ./Build installdeps  ## (if any dependencies are not met)
./Build test
sudo ./Build install

This will install all the libraries and put three programs into your execution path:

  1. bla, the command line tool
  2. METIS, the GUI tool
  3. pilplot, a tool for quick-and-dirty visualization of the tiff files from the Pilatus.


The requisite package Graphics::Gnuplot::Palettes is not on CPAN and will not be installed at the Build installdeps step. Download this package from and follow its build instructions.


The requisite package PDL::IO::HDF5 was difficult to install correctly on my Ubuntu machines. There is a package called libpdl-io-hdf5-perl, but it seems to be built incorrectly, at least in Ubuntu 16.04. Building it by hand is not hard. It requires that the HDF5 development package, libhdf5-dev be installed. Then download PDL::IO::HDF5 by clicking on the download link at the PDL::IO::HDF5 page. Unpack it and do the normal perl; make; sudo make install incantation. You may need to edit the so it can find and hdf5.h.


The hdf5-tools package is very handy for examining HDF5 files from the command line.

Windows package

  • Install the DEMETER installer package, then
  • Install the METIS installer package

Both are download-and-double-click installer packages.


URLs and further instructions

Building the document

Building the METIS document requires at least version 1.3 of Sphinx. If you have python already installed on your computer, you can do:

sudo pip install sphinx

Note that Ubuntu only recently began distributing 1.3. If you have an earlier version, you will need to upgrade by doing

sudo pip install --upgrade sphinx

You can check the version of Sphinx with this command

sphinx-build --version

You will then need a number of sphinx extensions:

sudo pip install sphinxcontrib-blockdiag
sudo pip install pybtex
sudo pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex

To build the html document, do the following

cd doc/
make html

This will use sphinx-build to convert the source code into html pages. The html pages will be placed in _build/html/. This folder is a self-contained package. The html/ folder can be copied and placed somewhere else. The web pages can be accessed with full functionality in any location.

You might want to edit the doc/ document to change the blockdiag_fontpath parameter to point to a TrueType font that exists on your computer. The default font used in the block diagrams in the HDF5 save file section is rather ugly.

Building the document to a PDF file is not yet supported.

Xray::BLA and METIS are copyright © 2011-2014, 2016 Bruce Ravel and Jeremy Kropf – This document is copyright © 2016 Bruce Ravel

This document is licensed under The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

If this software and its documentation are useful to you, please consider supporting The Creative Commons.