The bla program

All measurements require a set of Pilatus images taken at energies around the fluorescence energy. These are used to make a mask which identifies which pixels contain signal related to specific emission energies.

A HERFD measurement set also consists of

  • A column data file with columns of energy and scalars from the measurement.
  • One Pilatus image for each energy point in the XANES scan containing the HERFD signal at that point.

An XES measurement set also consists of

  • One or more Pilatus images taken above the absorption edge as a measure of the non-resonant XES.

A RIXS measurement consists of

  • A set of Pilatus images taken at energies around the onset of the absorption edge. This may be the same set of images as the elastic images.

This software uses perl, Moose, and PDL to process the images into a high resolution XANES spectrum. The GUI, called METIS, uses WxWidgets and its perl bindings. See Xray::BLA::Image for how to import the signed 32 bit tiff images from the Pilatus directly into PDL.


bla, found in the bin/ folder, is a wrapper script around the bent Laue processing tasks:

  1. herfd: make a single HERFD spectrum at a specific emission energy
  2. xes: compute the emission spectrum for a specific incident energy
  3. rixs: generate a sequence of HERFD spectra at a sequence of emission energies, i.e. make an XAS-like RIXS plane
  4. plane: generate a sequence of XES spectra at a sequence of incidence energies and concatenate them into a single output file, i.e. make an XES-like RIXS plane
  5. map: convert a series of elastic images to an energy vs. pixel map
  6. mask: compute the mask file for a specific emission energy
  7. point: convert a specified BLA image to its HERFD value for a specified emission energy