Project files are ATHENA's mechanism for saving the state of an analysis project. The project selection dialog, shown below, provides a way of selectively importing part or all of the contents of the project file.
Project files, like any other files are imported using the file selection dialog. ATHENA will recognize a project file and present the project selection dialog. Alternately, you can drag one or more project files from your computer's file manager and drop them onto the group list.
The contents of the project file are listed on the left side of the dialog. The contents of the journal are listed in the box at the top right. When you click on one of the data groups in the list on the left, it gets plotted and its title lines are inserted into the box at the lower right. Using these parts of the dialog, you can examine the contents of your project file before importing them into ATHENA.
By selecting some of the projects from the list, you can import a subset of the project file. The group listing uses extended selection:
Click on an item in the list to select one group
Control-click (i.e. hold down the Control key while clicking) on an item in the list to add it to the selection
Shift-click to on a group to select all groups between it and the previously selected group.
The buttons labeled “All”, and “None” can be used to select all groups or to clear the selection. The “Invert” button will invert the selection of each group.
Below those three buttons are a series of controls allowing somewhat finer grained control over how items from the group list are selected. The “Select every” line allows selection by a regular pattern. “Select matching” allows you to select groups that match a specified pattern using the full strength of perl's regular expression.
Once you have selected the groups you want to import, click the “Import” button. If no groups are selected then all the groups will be imported.