Tasks of the bla program

Main tasks

The bla program is a simple multiplexer which parses the command line arguments and performs the steps necessary to accomplish the task. The basic syntax is

bla <task> [switches] <stub>

where the first argument is one of the tasks below and the second argument is the bit of text used to make file names for the measurement.


The herfd task makes a high energy resolution fluorescence spectrum at a specified emission energy.

bla herfd -c=/path/to/config.ini -e=9713 Aufoil1

Allowed switches are

(required) specify the emission energy for the HERFD calculation
Flag to reuse already computed masks which have been saved to disk
Control whether screen messages are written
Flag for saving mask images
Flag for saving animations (not currently working)
Flag to plot the HERFD upon completion
Specify the file containing XDI metadata


The rixs task computes the HERFD at each elastic energy, writing an output file for each one. This uses the list of emission energies specified in the configuration file.

bla rixs -c=/path/to/config.ini Aufoil1

Allowed switches are

Flag to reuse already computed masks which have been saved to disk
Control whether screen messages are written
Flag for saving mask images
Flag for saving animations (not currently working)
Flag to plot each HERFD as it is computed
Specify the file containing XDI metadata


The xes task computes the XES spectrum from an image at a specified incident energy. The incidence energy is specified either with the -i or --xesimage switch, one of which must be used. This will compute all the masks as needed.

bla xes -c=/path/to/config.ini -i 11970 Aufoil1
bla xes -c=/path/to/config.ini --noscan --xesimage=1  Nb2O3_Kb2_2

Allowed switches are

(required) The incidence energy at which to compute the XES. This form is used with a HERFD measurement to compute the XES at a particular incidence energy.
(required) The index or file name of the XES image
Flag indicating the no scan file was used
Flag to reuse already computed masks which have been saved to disk
Control whether screen messages are written
Flag for saving mask images
Flag for saving animations (not currently working)
Flag to plot the XES upon completion
Specify the file containing XDI metadata


The plane task computes an entire RIXS plane, packaging the result for plotting as a surface plot. This

bla plane -c=/path/to/config.ini Nb2O3_Kb2_2

Allowed switches are

Flag indicating the no scan file was used
Flag to reuse already computed masks which have been saved to disk
Control whether screen messages are written
Flag for saving mask images
Flag for saving animations (not currently working)
Flag to plot the XES upon completion
Specify the file containing XDI metadata


The map task takes a sequence of masks and interpolates them into a smooth map that can be used to make a surface plot of the energy distribution over the face of the detector. The map can also be used to create a new mask of a specified energy width.

This is not currently working


The mask task is used to create a mask at a specified emission energy. This could be incorporated into a scan program. A mask can be computed for a given emission energy as the subsequent emission energy is measured. This calculation is typically faster than an elastic image exposure, thus mask creation can be incorporated into a measurement in almost-real-time.

bla mask -c=/path/to/config.ini -e=9713 Aufoil1

Allowed switches are

(required) specify the emission energy for the HERFD calculation
Control whether screen messages are written
Flag for saving mask images
Flag for saving animations (not currently working)
Flag to plot the HERFD upon completion


The point task applies a specified mask to an image. This could be incorporated into a scan program. While a data point is being measured in a HERFD scan, the HERFD from the previous energy point can be computed. In this way, an almost-real-time plot can be presented to the user of the HERFD being measured.

bla mask -c=/path/to/config.ini -e=9713 Aufoil1

Allowed switches are

(required) specify the emission energy for the HERFD calculation
(required) the incident energy or incident data point index to compute

Developer tasks


This task lists all the attributes of the Xray::BLA object along with a short documentation string.


This task is used for testing new algorithms.

Xray::BLA and METIS are copyright © 2011-2014, 2016 Bruce Ravel and Jeremy Kropf – This document is copyright © 2016 Bruce Ravel

This document is licensed under The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

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