ATHENA: XAS Data Processing¶
Just as Phaeacian men excel the world at sailing, driving
their swift ships on the open seas, so the women excel at
all the arts of weaving. That is Athena's gift to them
beyond all others -- a genius for lovely work, and a fine
mind too.
(Homer, The Odyssey, Book 7)

The Tholos sanctuary of Athena Pronoia, Athena of forethought.
Athena is the goddess of wisdom and craft, a fine patron for the XAS practitioner.
- 1. Forward
- 2. Introduction to ATHENA
- 3. Data import
- 4. Normalization and background removal
- 5. Plotting Your Data
- 6. User Interface
- 7. Setting parameters
- 8. Data export
- 9. Data processing
- 9.1. Calibrating data groups
- 9.2. Aligning data groups
- 9.3. Merging data groups
- 9.4. Rebinning data groups
- 9.5. Deglitching and truncating data
- 9.6. Smoothing data
- 9.7. Convoluting data groups
- 9.8. Deconvoluting data groups
- 9.9. Self-absorption approximations
- 9.10. Dispersive XAS
- 9.11. Multi-electron excitation removal
- 9.12. Copy series
- 9.13. Data summation
- 10. Data analysis
- 11. Other main window chores
- 12. Worked examples
- 13. Hephaestus
DEMETER is copyright © 2009-2016 Bruce Ravel – This document is copyright © 2016 Bruce Ravel
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